April 25, 2016
- As a Certified Financial Planner™professional, and as someone registered in Massachusetts as an Investment Advisor, I work as a fiduciary comprehensive financial planner for a group of people who have me on an annual flat-fee retainer as their “financial concierge”.
- This service includes: retirement planning, estate planning, strategizing for financial aid, investment advising and management, setting up (or rebalancing) your overall asset allocation for your investments, tax planning and preparation, and advising for specific financial issues that might come up during your year (refinancing, annuitizing, getting the proper insurance, funding health services, etc.)
If you are interested in getting more of what I can do for you, please consider whether stepping up to the full financial concierge service would work for you. Call (or schedule online) for a free one-hour “get to know the issues” meeting and a follow-up one-hour presentation a week later for me to propose what I’d charge and how I’d solve the issues.
Your fee would be based on the complexity of your situation and is designed to be a flat fee for the entire year. As proxies for “complexity” we use the types of income on your tax return, the various types and amounts of net assets you have, and the number of family members the service would cover. I often find that I save my people money after you consider savings in investment advisory fees alone while also offering expert tax planning & preparation and more comprehensive planning services as part of my flat-fee.
I’m transitioning to ProsperiTea Planning slowly and carefully. This means my practice in the future will be focused more on people who need both financial planning & tax preparation services. I will not be accepting any new tax-only people. I expect, though, that I will always have some people who are tax-season-only people.