Wendy’s Vacation & Conference Schedule for 2024

Between two professional credentials that each need a lot of continuing education, plus family vacation time, you’ll find that Wendy works in weeks-long surges but is frequently out of the office in between. That’s okay, we’re planners, we’re good at this! Here’s how we put the Tea in Team:

  • Wendy and Sam can both create trade proposals if you need to buy or sell things – but Gary can help you fetch money from your account if you need it for something we’ve planned.
  • Wendy is the only one who can review and finalize tax returns – but anyone in the office can get you a copy of a completed tax return or tell you the status of the tax return.
  • Need a statement or a Capitect report? Gary does the Capitect reports, and Gary can print and send you statements from the Custodian, too.
  • Wendy and Sam both give financial advice – and Gary is able to give provisional, supervised advice in the form of, “Here’s what I think the answer is, but Wendy and/or Sam will look at this when they can.”
  • Wendy already doesn’t do the scheduling –  that’s mostly Ann; or the billing and renewals – that’s Gary.
  • The main person in charge of gathering your dropped-off or uploaded statements for reports or tax prep info is Sara.

So, hurray, even though Wendy will be out of the office, we can keep everything running smoothly.

In 2024 Wendy’s vacations are scheduled to be:

  • Each January, right after the big push to get year-end statements and organizers out, but before tax season hits, Wendy goes on a restorative vacation to get some sun and rest up before tax season hits. In general, expect her to be gone the Friday before MLK Day to the Friday after. In ’24 she’ll be in Puerto Rico.
  • Each April 15th, the moment tax season ends, Wendy gets a comp day for each weekend day she worked in tax season. This is usually a staycation (split between Greenfield and Peaks Island) April 15th through April 23rd. She won’t be off-grid if there’s an emergency, but we hope someone else can take a stab at helping people until she’s back at her desk in the last week of April.
  • May 22-24 Wendy will be in Maine prepping for Gary’s wedding reception.
  • Wendy takes roughly a week off in June, July and August, each.
    • She tends to take a week of vacation on Peaks. This year it’s roughly scheduled for July 1 – July 5. She’ll be around for urgent issues.
    • Each year she goes camping in Michigan with her dad – with very limited cell & internet service! This is a re-occurring trip: this year it’s scheduled for August 6 through August 13.
    • She takes the Wednesday and Friday off around Thanksgiving.

We ARE open the week between Christmas and New Year for urgent last-minute tax planning and tax loss harvesting issues.

Conferences are scheduled for:

May 15 to 17 is the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners Advanced Retreat in Chicago this year.

Sometime in December or January there’ll be a two-day tax update course

Sometimes when people aren’t scheduled to be in the office, Wendy will spend time at Peaks Island on “work retreats”, where she researches issues, learns new tools, or attends virtual conferences. These are not vacations: she can be reached for an emerging issue. She’ll run regular email/trading block times during these location-independent work times; don’t feel bad for reaching her at Peaks if it’s not one of the actual vacation weeks listed above!

In 2025, already spotted on the horizon:

In January ’25 she’s planning to go to Puerto Rico again: tentative dates are Friday before MLK Day to the Friday after.